
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Loving Two

This blog has moved.  You can see this post here:  Loving Two


Cara said...

You are such a Great Mommy! ENJOY both your little men! I mean, all THREE of them! :-) xoxo

Alison said...

Haha! Boy is that right! Thank you! I plan to enjoy every minute!

Brynn said...

Great post! Completely captures how I'm feeling right now, just a couple weeks out from bringing #2 into the world. And that poem-- Kleenex is right!

Jen said...

I am ten weeks pregnant, today. As I try to type this, by almost 15 month old is alternating between swatting at the keyboard and trying to pull down my shirt. For the first week and a half, after finding out I was pregnant with our second baby, I was devastated. For many reasons. Still nursing our daughter, suddenly my milk supply almost was gone. She screamed at every feeding, thrashing her head back. I cried at night, feeling leaden with guilt that I had to share my love... how could I do this to my daughter. How could Iet her down like that? I can relate so strongly to what you type... As some time has passed, my baby grows in my belly, I grow more and more in love with him/her, excited for the moment my heart swells with love, the instant he/she is born. I am not devastated any longer - my milk supply is back, I am still able to nurse our daughter; my anticipation grows with each new day, truly grateful for the two children I will cherish and love beyond words. Thank you for sharing your real, true, raw feelings. Lots of Love, Jen

Random life said...
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Random life said...

This is an amazing post.
I am not a mother and not even close to being it so I don't even know what it feels like to give the gift of life and love someone that much.
But I can still remember when my brother was born, I was almost 6years old. and I absolutely hated him, hated the idea of him, hated that he was taking time and attention from my parents, that before was all mine. With time, I grew to like him and slowly started being the protective older sister. Today, I can tell you my life without him would mean nothing. I love him more than anything and anyone. He might have taken some of my parents time when he was younger, but he gave me a shoulder to cry one for the rest of my life; a best friend who would never betray me. Someone who is always going to be there. Now I blame my parents for not having more kids :p
You are going to love him in a completely different way, I saw how my parents loved my brother. it was different, but it was just as much love. Your sons will grow to have each others backs and you can know that no matter what happens they're gonna look after each other.

Random life said...
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Teri Garber George said...

I am a mother of 3 and let me assure you that each of them get as much love as when I only had my first baby. You learn that it's just something that you do, and it comes naturally. Much luck to you.

SHIDEK said...

Though am a young man in my mid twenties & noot thinking of marriage yet let alone having kids..this story & poem appeals to me so much & until now I never knew that parents do feel that kinda guilt but I know for certain that its only a mother that can love 10 or more kids at a time & all 10 of them would still have her entire love..Mother's love is superb & irrevocably d true love...shdk!

Anonymous said...

awww, this is how I felt before I had my second daughter. I felt like I could never love another child as much as my first daughter, but once she was born both of our lives changed and now they r 2 and 3. I love them both so much and they r best friends too. I love seeing them play together and knowing that my husband and I created them is even more of a miracle. I love life because of them and thank God for them everyday!

Anonymous said...

May 4,2012
Alison, thank you for sharing this poem.I can totally relate.My kids are 13 months apart. I had so much
guilt for not able to take my Son out or do the usual things we used to do( just the two of US) due to my complicated pregnancy.My kids are my blssings from above and I love them both very much.They are my love, my life, my everything.

Alison said...

I'm genuinely so happy that this post reached so many people! I'm even happier that so many can relate! It's definitely a process just going through the emotions during pregnancy and the anticipation of what is coming. I'm excited and eager to be on the other side when my family is enjoying each other as a family of 4. Thank you for all of your comments, they are so appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I have the most beautiful 4 month old baby girl and I just found out I am having my second baby. I love my daughter more than life itself and I feel so guilty because I feel like I am cheating her out of my time with her. Although I still feel guilty and cried the whole time I read this I know that I am not the only one that has gone through this. I now realize that I probably would have these same feelings no matter how old my daughter is. I was planning on waiting about a year before having another baby but I don't think any amount of time would change this. My daughter will have someone else to love as well as someone else to love her